Przeglądaj źródła

Move the non-crypto parts of onion.c out of src/core/crypto

The parts for handling cell formats should be in src/core/or.

The parts for handling onionskin queues should be in src/core/or.

Only the crypto wrapper belongs in src/core/crypto.
Nick Mathewson 6 lat temu

+ 311 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2001 Matej Pfajfar.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Roger Dingledine.
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2018, The Tor Project, Inc. */
+/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
+ * \file onion_crypto.c
+ * \brief Functions to handle different kinds of circuit extension crypto.
+ *
+ * In this module, we provide a set of abstractions to create a uniform
+ * interface over the three circuit extension handshakes that Tor has used
+ * over the years (TAP, CREATE_FAST, and ntor).  These handshakes are
+ * implemented in onion_tap.c, onion_fast.c, and onion_ntor.c respectively.
+ *
+ * All[*] of these handshakes follow a similar pattern: a client, knowing
+ * some key from the relay it wants to extend through, generates the
+ * first part of a handshake. A relay receives that handshake, and sends
+ * a reply.  Once the client handles the reply, it knows that it is
+ * talking to the right relay, and it shares some freshly negotiated key
+ * material with that relay.
+ *
+ * We sometimes call the client's part of the handshake an "onionskin".
+ * We do this because historically, Onion Routing used a multi-layer
+ * structure called an "onion" to construct circuits. Each layer of the
+ * onion contained key material chosen by the client, the identity of
+ * the next relay in the circuit, and a smaller onion, encrypted with
+ * the key of the next relay.  When we changed Tor to use a telescoping
+ * circuit extension design, it corresponded to sending each layer of the
+ * onion separately -- as a series of onionskins.
+ **/
+#include "core/or/or.h"
+#include "core/or/circuitbuild.h"
+#include "core/crypto/onion_crypto.h"
+#include "core/crypto/onion_fast.h"
+#include "core/crypto/onion_ntor.h"
+#include "core/crypto/onion_tap.h"
+#include "feature/relay/router.h"
+#include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_dh.h"
+#include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_util.h"
+#include "core/or/crypt_path_st.h"
+#include "core/or/extend_info_st.h"
+/** Return a new server_onion_keys_t object with all of the keys
+ * and other info we might need to do onion handshakes.  (We make a copy of
+ * our keys for each cpuworker to avoid race conditions with the main thread,
+ * and to avoid locking) */
+server_onion_keys_t *
+  server_onion_keys_t *keys = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(server_onion_keys_t));
+  memcpy(keys->my_identity, router_get_my_id_digest(), DIGEST_LEN);
+  dup_onion_keys(&keys->onion_key, &keys->last_onion_key);
+  keys->curve25519_key_map = construct_ntor_key_map();
+  keys->junk_keypair = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(curve25519_keypair_t));
+  curve25519_keypair_generate(keys->junk_keypair, 0);
+  return keys;
+/** Release all storage held in <b>keys</b>. */
+server_onion_keys_free_(server_onion_keys_t *keys)
+  if (! keys)
+    return;
+  crypto_pk_free(keys->onion_key);
+  crypto_pk_free(keys->last_onion_key);
+  ntor_key_map_free(keys->curve25519_key_map);
+  tor_free(keys->junk_keypair);
+  memwipe(keys, 0, sizeof(server_onion_keys_t));
+  tor_free(keys);
+/** Release whatever storage is held in <b>state</b>, depending on its
+ * type, and clear its pointer. */
+onion_handshake_state_release(onion_handshake_state_t *state)
+  switch (state->tag) {
+    crypto_dh_free(state->u.tap);
+    state->u.tap = NULL;
+    break;
+    fast_handshake_state_free(state->;
+    state-> = NULL;
+    break;
+    ntor_handshake_state_free(state->u.ntor);
+    state->u.ntor = NULL;
+    break;
+  default:
+     * This state should not even exist. */
+    log_warn(LD_BUG, "called with unknown handshake state type %d",
+             (int)state->tag);
+    tor_fragile_assert();
+    /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
+  }
+/** Perform the first step of a circuit-creation handshake of type <b>type</b>
+ * (one of ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_*): generate the initial "onion skin" in
+ * <b>onion_skin_out</b>, and store any state information in <b>state_out</b>.
+ * Return -1 on failure, and the length of the onionskin on acceptance.
+ */
+onion_skin_create(int type,
+                  const extend_info_t *node,
+                  onion_handshake_state_t *state_out,
+                  uint8_t *onion_skin_out)
+  int r = -1;
+  switch (type) {
+    if (!node->onion_key)
+      return -1;
+    if (onion_skin_TAP_create(node->onion_key,
+                              &state_out->u.tap,
+                              (char*)onion_skin_out) < 0)
+      return -1;
+    break;
+    if (fast_onionskin_create(&state_out->, onion_skin_out) < 0)
+      return -1;
+    break;
+    if (!extend_info_supports_ntor(node))
+      return -1;
+    if (onion_skin_ntor_create((const uint8_t*)node->identity_digest,
+                               &node->curve25519_onion_key,
+                               &state_out->u.ntor,
+                               onion_skin_out) < 0)
+      return -1;
+    break;
+  default:
+     * We should never try to create an impossible handshake type. */
+    log_warn(LD_BUG, "called with unknown handshake state type %d", type);
+    tor_fragile_assert();
+    r = -1;
+    /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
+  }
+  if (r > 0)
+    state_out->tag = (uint16_t) type;
+  return r;
+/* This is the maximum value for keys_out_len passed to
+ * onion_skin_server_handshake, plus 16. We can make it bigger if needed:
+ * It just defines how many bytes to stack-allocate. */
+#define MAX_KEYS_TMP_LEN 128
+/** Perform the second (server-side) step of a circuit-creation handshake of
+ * type <b>type</b>, responding to the client request in <b>onion_skin</b>
+ * using the keys in <b>keys</b>.  On success, write our response into
+ * <b>reply_out</b>, generate <b>keys_out_len</b> bytes worth of key material
+ * in <b>keys_out_len</b>, a hidden service nonce to <b>rend_nonce_out</b>,
+ * and return the length of the reply. On failure, return -1.
+ */
+onion_skin_server_handshake(int type,
+                      const uint8_t *onion_skin, size_t onionskin_len,
+                      const server_onion_keys_t *keys,
+                      uint8_t *reply_out,
+                      uint8_t *keys_out, size_t keys_out_len,
+                      uint8_t *rend_nonce_out)
+  int r = -1;
+  switch (type) {
+    if (onionskin_len != TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN)
+      return -1;
+    if (onion_skin_TAP_server_handshake((const char*)onion_skin,
+                                        keys->onion_key, keys->last_onion_key,
+                                        (char*)reply_out,
+                                        (char*)keys_out, keys_out_len)<0)
+      return -1;
+    memcpy(rend_nonce_out, reply_out+DH1024_KEY_LEN, DIGEST_LEN);
+    break;
+    if (onionskin_len != CREATE_FAST_LEN)
+      return -1;
+    if (fast_server_handshake(onion_skin, reply_out, keys_out, keys_out_len)<0)
+      return -1;
+    memcpy(rend_nonce_out, reply_out+DIGEST_LEN, DIGEST_LEN);
+    break;
+    if (onionskin_len < NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN)
+      return -1;
+    {
+      size_t keys_tmp_len = keys_out_len + DIGEST_LEN;
+      tor_assert(keys_tmp_len <= MAX_KEYS_TMP_LEN);
+      uint8_t keys_tmp[MAX_KEYS_TMP_LEN];
+      if (onion_skin_ntor_server_handshake(
+                                   onion_skin, keys->curve25519_key_map,
+                                   keys->junk_keypair,
+                                   keys->my_identity,
+                                   reply_out, keys_tmp, keys_tmp_len)<0) {
+        /* no need to memwipe here, since the output will never be used */
+        return -1;
+      }
+      memcpy(keys_out, keys_tmp, keys_out_len);
+      memcpy(rend_nonce_out, keys_tmp+keys_out_len, DIGEST_LEN);
+      memwipe(keys_tmp, 0, sizeof(keys_tmp));
+      r = NTOR_REPLY_LEN;
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+     * We should have rejected this far before this point */
+    log_warn(LD_BUG, "called with unknown handshake state type %d", type);
+    tor_fragile_assert();
+    return -1;
+    /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
+  }
+  return r;
+/** Perform the final (client-side) step of a circuit-creation handshake of
+ * type <b>type</b>, using our state in <b>handshake_state</b> and the
+ * server's response in <b>reply</b>. On success, generate <b>keys_out_len</b>
+ * bytes worth of key material in <b>keys_out_len</b>, set
+ * <b>rend_authenticator_out</b> to the "KH" field that can be used to
+ * establish introduction points at this hop, and return 0. On failure,
+ * return -1, and set *msg_out to an error message if this is worth
+ * complaining to the user about. */
+onion_skin_client_handshake(int type,
+                      const onion_handshake_state_t *handshake_state,
+                      const uint8_t *reply, size_t reply_len,
+                      uint8_t *keys_out, size_t keys_out_len,
+                      uint8_t *rend_authenticator_out,
+                      const char **msg_out)
+  if (handshake_state->tag != type)
+    return -1;
+  switch (type) {
+    if (reply_len != TAP_ONIONSKIN_REPLY_LEN) {
+      if (msg_out)
+        *msg_out = "TAP reply was not of the correct length.";
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (onion_skin_TAP_client_handshake(handshake_state->u.tap,
+                                        (const char*)reply,
+                                        (char *)keys_out, keys_out_len,
+                                        msg_out) < 0)
+      return -1;
+    memcpy(rend_authenticator_out, reply+DH1024_KEY_LEN, DIGEST_LEN);
+    return 0;
+    if (reply_len != CREATED_FAST_LEN) {
+      if (msg_out)
+        *msg_out = "TAP reply was not of the correct length.";
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (fast_client_handshake(handshake_state->, reply,
+                              keys_out, keys_out_len, msg_out) < 0)
+      return -1;
+    memcpy(rend_authenticator_out, reply+DIGEST_LEN, DIGEST_LEN);
+    return 0;
+    if (reply_len < NTOR_REPLY_LEN) {
+      if (msg_out)
+        *msg_out = "ntor reply was not of the correct length.";
+      return -1;
+    }
+    {
+      size_t keys_tmp_len = keys_out_len + DIGEST_LEN;
+      uint8_t *keys_tmp = tor_malloc(keys_tmp_len);
+      if (onion_skin_ntor_client_handshake(handshake_state->u.ntor,
+                                        reply,
+                                        keys_tmp, keys_tmp_len, msg_out) < 0) {
+        tor_free(keys_tmp);
+        return -1;
+      }
+      memcpy(keys_out, keys_tmp, keys_out_len);
+      memcpy(rend_authenticator_out, keys_tmp + keys_out_len, DIGEST_LEN);
+      memwipe(keys_tmp, 0, keys_tmp_len);
+      tor_free(keys_tmp);
+    }
+    return 0;
+  default:
+    log_warn(LD_BUG, "called with unknown handshake state type %d", type);
+    tor_fragile_assert();
+    return -1;
+  }

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2001 Matej Pfajfar.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Roger Dingledine.
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2018, The Tor Project, Inc. */
+/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
+ * \file onion_crypto.h
+ * \brief Header file for onion_crypto.c.
+ **/
+typedef struct server_onion_keys_t {
+  uint8_t my_identity[DIGEST_LEN];
+  crypto_pk_t *onion_key;
+  crypto_pk_t *last_onion_key;
+  struct di_digest256_map_t *curve25519_key_map;
+  struct curve25519_keypair_t *junk_keypair;
+} server_onion_keys_t;
+void onion_handshake_state_release(onion_handshake_state_t *state);
+int onion_skin_create(int type,
+                      const extend_info_t *node,
+                      onion_handshake_state_t *state_out,
+                      uint8_t *onion_skin_out);
+int onion_skin_server_handshake(int type,
+                      const uint8_t *onion_skin, size_t onionskin_len,
+                      const server_onion_keys_t *keys,
+                      uint8_t *reply_out,
+                      uint8_t *keys_out, size_t key_out_len,
+                      uint8_t *rend_nonce_out);
+int onion_skin_client_handshake(int type,
+                      const onion_handshake_state_t *handshake_state,
+                      const uint8_t *reply, size_t reply_len,
+                      uint8_t *keys_out, size_t key_out_len,
+                      uint8_t *rend_authenticator_out,
+                      const char **msg_out);
+server_onion_keys_t *server_onion_keys_new(void);
+void server_onion_keys_free_(server_onion_keys_t *keys);
+#define server_onion_keys_free(keys) \
+  FREE_AND_NULL(server_onion_keys_t, server_onion_keys_free_, (keys))

+ 6 - 2

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ LIBTOR_APP_A_SOURCES = 				\
 	src/app/config/confparse.c		\
 	src/app/config/statefile.c		\
 	src/core/crypto/hs_ntor.c		\
-	src/core/crypto/onion.c			\
+	src/core/crypto/onion_crypto.c		\
 	src/core/crypto/onion_fast.c		\
 	src/core/crypto/onion_ntor.c		\
 	src/core/crypto/onion_tap.c		\
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ LIBTOR_APP_A_SOURCES = 				\
 	src/core/or/connection_edge.c		\
 	src/core/or/connection_or.c		\
 	src/core/or/dos.c			\
+	src/core/or/onion.c			\
 	src/core/or/policies.c			\
 	src/core/or/protover.c			\
 	src/core/or/reasons.c			\
@@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ LIBTOR_APP_A_SOURCES = 				\
 	src/feature/nodelist/torcert.c		\
 	src/feature/relay/dns.c			\
 	src/feature/relay/ext_orport.c		\
+	src/feature/relay/onion_queue.c		\
 	src/feature/relay/router.c		\
 	src/feature/relay/routerkeys.c		\
 	src/feature/rend/rendcache.c		\
@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ noinst_HEADERS +=					\
 	src/app/config/statefile.h			\
 	src/app/main/ntmain.h				\
 	src/core/crypto/hs_ntor.h			\
-	src/core/crypto/onion.h				\
+	src/core/crypto/onion_crypto.h	        	\
 	src/core/crypto/onion_fast.h			\
 	src/core/crypto/onion_ntor.h			\
 	src/core/crypto/onion_tap.h			\
@@ -202,6 +204,7 @@ noinst_HEADERS +=					\
 	src/core/or/entry_port_cfg_st.h			\
 	src/core/or/extend_info_st.h			\
 	src/core/or/listener_connection_st.h		\
+	src/core/or/onion.h				\
 	src/core/or/or.h				\
 	src/core/or/or_circuit_st.h			\
 	src/core/or/or_connection_st.h			\
@@ -307,6 +310,7 @@ noinst_HEADERS +=					\
 	src/feature/relay/dns.h				\
 	src/feature/relay/dns_structs.h			\
 	src/feature/relay/ext_orport.h			\
+	src/feature/relay/onion_queue.h			\
 	src/feature/relay/router.h			\
 	src/feature/relay/routerkeys.h			\
 	src/feature/rend/rend_authorized_client_st.h	\

+ 3 - 1

@@ -27,10 +27,12 @@
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_util.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/main.h"
-#include "core/crypto/onion.h"
+#include "core/or/onion.h"
+#include "feature/relay/onion_queue.h"
 #include "feature/stats/rephist.h"
 #include "feature/relay/router.h"
 #include "lib/evloop/workqueue.h"
+#include "core/crypto/onion_crypto.h"
 #include "core/or/or_circuit_st.h"
 #include "lib/intmath/weakrng.h"

+ 2 - 1

@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@
 #include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/nodelist.h"
 #include "app/main/ntmain.h"
-#include "core/crypto/onion.h"
+#include "core/or/onion.h"
+#include "feature/relay/onion_queue.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/periodic.h"
 #include "core/or/policies.h"
 #include "core/or/protover.h"

+ 2 - 1

@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
 #include "feature/nodelist/microdesc.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/nodelist.h"
-#include "core/crypto/onion.h"
+#include "core/or/onion.h"
+#include "core/crypto/onion_crypto.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_tap.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_fast.h"
 #include "core/or/policies.h"

+ 2 - 1

@@ -77,7 +77,8 @@
 #include "feature/hs/hs_ident.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/nodelist.h"
-#include "core/crypto/onion.h"
+#include "feature/relay/onion_queue.h"
+#include "core/crypto/onion_crypto.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_fast.h"
 #include "core/or/policies.h"
 #include "core/or/relay.h"

+ 2 - 2

@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
 #include "core/or/dos.h"
 #include "feature/hibernate/hibernate.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/nodelist.h"
-#include "core/crypto/onion.h"
+#include "core/or/onion.h"
+#include "core/crypto/onion_crypto.h"
 #include "feature/stats/rephist.h"
 #include "core/or/relay.h"
 #include "feature/relay/router.h"
@@ -699,4 +700,3 @@ command_setup_listener(channel_listener_t *listener)
   channel_listener_set_listener_fn(listener, command_handle_incoming_channel);

+ 5 - 631
src/core/crypto/onion.c → src/core/or/onion.c

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  * \file onion.c
- * \brief Functions to queue create cells, wrap the various onionskin types,
+ * \brief Functions to queue create cells,
  * and parse and create the CREATE cell and its allies.
  * This module has a few functions, all related to the CREATE/CREATED
@@ -14,27 +14,6 @@
  * related EXTEND/EXTENDED handshake that we use over circuits in order to
  * extend them an additional hop.
- * In this module, we provide a set of abstractions to create a uniform
- * interface over the three circuit extension handshakes that Tor has used
- * over the years (TAP, CREATE_FAST, and ntor).  These handshakes are
- * implemented in onion_tap.c, onion_fast.c, and onion_ntor.c respectively.
- *
- * All[*] of these handshakes follow a similar pattern: a client, knowing
- * some key from the relay it wants to extend through, generates the
- * first part of a handshake. A relay receives that handshake, and sends
- * a reply.  Once the client handles the reply, it knows that it is
- * talking to the right relay, and it shares some freshly negotiated key
- * material with that relay.
- *
- * We sometimes call the client's part of the handshake an "onionskin".
- * We do this because historically, Onion Routing used a multi-layer
- * structure called an "onion" to construct circuits. Each layer of the
- * onion contained key material chosen by the client, the identity of
- * the next relay in the circuit, and a smaller onion, encrypted with
- * the key of the next relay.  When we changed Tor to use a telescoping
- * circuit extension design, it corresponded to sending each layer of the
- * onion separately -- as a series of onionskins.
- *
  * Clients invoke these functions when creating or extending a circuit,
  * from circuitbuild.c.
@@ -57,628 +36,23 @@
  *   <li>Encoding and decodign EXTEND, EXTENDED, EXTEND2, and EXTENDED2
  *    relay cells.
  * </ul>
- *
- * [*] The CREATE_FAST handshake is weaker than described here; see
- * onion_fast.c for more information.
 #include "core/or/or.h"
-#include "core/or/circuitbuild.h"
-#include "core/or/circuitlist.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
-#include "core/mainloop/cpuworker.h"
-#include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_util.h"
-#include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_dh.h"
-#include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus.h"
-#include "core/crypto/onion.h"
+#include "core/crypto/onion_crypto.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_fast.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_ntor.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_tap.h"
-#include "core/or/relay.h"
-#include "feature/stats/rephist.h"
-#include "feature/relay/router.h"
+#include "core/or/onion.h"
+#include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus.h"
 #include "core/or/cell_st.h"
-#include "core/or/extend_info_st.h"
-#include "core/or/or_circuit_st.h"
 // trunnel
 #include "trunnel/ed25519_cert.h"
-/** Type for a linked list of circuits that are waiting for a free CPU worker
- * to process a waiting onion handshake. */
-typedef struct onion_queue_t {
-  TOR_TAILQ_ENTRY(onion_queue_t) next;
-  or_circuit_t *circ;
-  uint16_t handshake_type;
-  create_cell_t *onionskin;
-  time_t when_added;
-} onion_queue_t;
-/** 5 seconds on the onion queue til we just send back a destroy */
-/** Array of queues of circuits waiting for CPU workers. An element is NULL
- * if that queue is empty.*/
-static TOR_TAILQ_HEAD(onion_queue_head_t, onion_queue_t)
-              ol_list[MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE+1] =
-{ TOR_TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(ol_list[0]), /* tap */
-  TOR_TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(ol_list[1]), /* fast */
-  TOR_TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(ol_list[2]), /* ntor */
-/** Number of entries of each type currently in each element of ol_list[]. */
-static int ol_entries[MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE+1];
-static int num_ntors_per_tap(void);
-static void onion_queue_entry_remove(onion_queue_t *victim);
- *
- * (By which I think I meant, "make sure that no
- * MAX_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE/REPLY_LEN."  Also, make sure that we can pass
- * over-large values via EXTEND2/EXTENDED2, for future-compatibility.*/
-/** Return true iff we have room to queue another onionskin of type
- * <b>type</b>. */
-static int
-have_room_for_onionskin(uint16_t type)
-  const or_options_t *options = get_options();
-  int num_cpus;
-  uint64_t tap_usec, ntor_usec;
-  uint64_t ntor_during_tap_usec, tap_during_ntor_usec;
-  /* If we've got fewer than 50 entries, we always have room for one more. */
-  if (ol_entries[type] < 50)
-    return 1;
-  num_cpus = get_num_cpus(options);
-  /* Compute how many microseconds we'd expect to need to clear all
-   * onionskins in various combinations of the queues. */
-  /* How long would it take to process all the TAP cells in the queue? */
-  tap_usec  = estimated_usec_for_onionskins(
-                                    ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP],
-                                    ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP) / num_cpus;
-  /* How long would it take to process all the NTor cells in the queue? */
-  ntor_usec = estimated_usec_for_onionskins(
-                                    ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR],
-                                    ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR) / num_cpus;
-  /* How long would it take to process the tap cells that we expect to
-   * process while draining the ntor queue? */
-  tap_during_ntor_usec  = estimated_usec_for_onionskins(
-        ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR] / num_ntors_per_tap()),
-                                    ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP) / num_cpus;
-  /* How long would it take to process the ntor cells that we expect to
-   * process while draining the tap queue? */
-  ntor_during_tap_usec  = estimated_usec_for_onionskins(
-        ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP] * num_ntors_per_tap()),
-                                    ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR) / num_cpus;
-  /* See whether that exceeds MaxOnionQueueDelay. If so, we can't queue
-   * this. */
-      (ntor_usec + tap_during_ntor_usec) / 1000 >
-       (uint64_t)options->MaxOnionQueueDelay)
-    return 0;
-  if (type == ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP &&
-      (tap_usec + ntor_during_tap_usec) / 1000 >
-       (uint64_t)options->MaxOnionQueueDelay)
-    return 0;
-  /* If we support the ntor handshake, then don't let TAP handshakes use
-   * more than 2/3 of the space on the queue. */
-  if (type == ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP &&
-      tap_usec / 1000 > (uint64_t)options->MaxOnionQueueDelay * 2 / 3)
-    return 0;
-  return 1;
-/** Add <b>circ</b> to the end of ol_list and return 0, except
- * if ol_list is too long, in which case do nothing and return -1.
- */
-onion_pending_add(or_circuit_t *circ, create_cell_t *onionskin)
-  onion_queue_t *tmp;
-  time_t now = time(NULL);
-  if (onionskin->handshake_type > MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE) {
-     * We should have rejected this far before this point */
-    log_warn(LD_BUG, "Handshake %d out of range! Dropping.",
-             onionskin->handshake_type);
-    return -1;
-    /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
-  }
-  tmp = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(onion_queue_t));
-  tmp->circ = circ;
-  tmp->handshake_type = onionskin->handshake_type;
-  tmp->onionskin = onionskin;
-  tmp->when_added = now;
-  if (!have_room_for_onionskin(onionskin->handshake_type)) {
-    static ratelim_t last_warned =
-    char *m;
-    if (onionskin->handshake_type == ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR &&
-        (m = rate_limit_log(&last_warned, approx_time()))) {
-      log_warn(LD_GENERAL,
-               "Your computer is too slow to handle this many circuit "
-               "creation requests! Please consider using the "
-               "MaxAdvertisedBandwidth config option or choosing a more "
-               "restricted exit policy.%s",m);
-      tor_free(m);
-    }
-    tor_free(tmp);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  ++ol_entries[onionskin->handshake_type];
-  log_info(LD_OR, "New create (%s). Queues now ntor=%d and tap=%d.",
-    onionskin->handshake_type == ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR ? "ntor" : "tap",
-    ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP]);
-  circ->onionqueue_entry = tmp;
-  TOR_TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ol_list[onionskin->handshake_type], tmp, next);
-  /* cull elderly requests. */
-  while (1) {
-    onion_queue_t *head = TOR_TAILQ_FIRST(&ol_list[onionskin->handshake_type]);
-    if (now - head->when_added < (time_t)ONIONQUEUE_WAIT_CUTOFF)
-      break;
-    circ = head->circ;
-    circ->onionqueue_entry = NULL;
-    onion_queue_entry_remove(head);
-    log_info(LD_CIRC,
-             "Circuit create request is too old; canceling due to overload.");
-    if (! TO_CIRCUIT(circ)->marked_for_close) {
-      circuit_mark_for_close(TO_CIRCUIT(circ), END_CIRC_REASON_RESOURCELIMIT);
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-/** Return a fairness parameter, to prefer processing NTOR style
- * handshakes but still slowly drain the TAP queue so we don't starve
- * it entirely. */
-static int
-#define MAX_NUM_NTORS_PER_TAP 100000
-  return networkstatus_get_param(NULL, "NumNTorsPerTAP",
-                                 DEFAULT_NUM_NTORS_PER_TAP,
-                                 MIN_NUM_NTORS_PER_TAP,
-                                 MAX_NUM_NTORS_PER_TAP);
-/** Choose which onion queue we'll pull from next. If one is empty choose
- * the other; if they both have elements, load balance across them but
- * favoring NTOR. */
-static uint16_t
-  /* The number of times we've chosen ntor lately when both were available. */
-  static int recently_chosen_ntors = 0;
-  if (!ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR])
-    return ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP; /* no ntors? try tap */
-  if (!ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP]) {
-    /* Nick wants us to prioritize new tap requests when there aren't
-     * any in the queue and we've processed k ntor cells since the last
-     * tap cell. This strategy is maybe a good idea, since it starves tap
-     * less in the case where tap is rare, or maybe a poor idea, since it
-     * makes the new tap cell unfairly jump in front of ntor cells that
-     * got here first. In any case this edge case will only become relevant
-     * once tap is rare. We should reevaluate whether we like this decision
-     * once tap gets more rare. */
-    if (ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR] &&
-        recently_chosen_ntors <= num_ntors_per_tap())
-      ++recently_chosen_ntors;
-    return ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR; /* no taps? try ntor */
-  }
-  /* They both have something queued. Pick ntor if we haven't done that
-   * too much lately. */
-  if (++recently_chosen_ntors <= num_ntors_per_tap()) {
-  }
-  /* Else, it's time to let tap have its turn. */
-  recently_chosen_ntors = 0;
-/** Remove the highest priority item from ol_list[] and return it, or
- * return NULL if the lists are empty.
- */
-or_circuit_t *
-onion_next_task(create_cell_t **onionskin_out)
-  or_circuit_t *circ;
-  uint16_t handshake_to_choose = decide_next_handshake_type();
-  onion_queue_t *head = TOR_TAILQ_FIRST(&ol_list[handshake_to_choose]);
-  if (!head)
-    return NULL; /* no onions pending, we're done */
-  tor_assert(head->circ);
-  tor_assert(head->handshake_type <= MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE);
-//  tor_assert(head->circ->p_chan); /* make sure it's still valid */
-/* XXX I only commented out the above line to make the unit tests
- * more manageable. That's probably not good long-term. -RD */
-  circ = head->circ;
-  if (head->onionskin)
-    --ol_entries[head->handshake_type];
-  log_info(LD_OR, "Processing create (%s). Queues now ntor=%d and tap=%d.",
-    head->handshake_type == ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR ? "ntor" : "tap",
-    ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP]);
-  *onionskin_out = head->onionskin;
-  head->onionskin = NULL; /* prevent free. */
-  circ->onionqueue_entry = NULL;
-  onion_queue_entry_remove(head);
-  return circ;
-/** Return the number of <b>handshake_type</b>-style create requests pending.
- */
-onion_num_pending(uint16_t handshake_type)
-  return ol_entries[handshake_type];
-/** Go through ol_list, find the onion_queue_t element which points to
- * circ, remove and free that element. Leave circ itself alone.
- */
-onion_pending_remove(or_circuit_t *circ)
-  onion_queue_t *victim;
-  if (!circ)
-    return;
-  victim = circ->onionqueue_entry;
-  if (victim)
-    onion_queue_entry_remove(victim);
-  cpuworker_cancel_circ_handshake(circ);
-/** Remove a queue entry <b>victim</b> from the queue, unlinking it from
- * its circuit and freeing it and any structures it owns.*/
-static void
-onion_queue_entry_remove(onion_queue_t *victim)
-  if (victim->handshake_type > MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE) {
-     * We should have rejected this far before this point */
-    log_warn(LD_BUG, "Handshake %d out of range! Dropping.",
-             victim->handshake_type);
-    /* XXX leaks */
-    return;
-    /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
-  }
-  TOR_TAILQ_REMOVE(&ol_list[victim->handshake_type], victim, next);
-  if (victim->circ)
-    victim->circ->onionqueue_entry = NULL;
-  if (victim->onionskin)
-    --ol_entries[victim->handshake_type];
-  tor_free(victim->onionskin);
-  tor_free(victim);
-/** Remove all circuits from the pending list.  Called from tor_free_all. */
-  onion_queue_t *victim, *next;
-  int i;
-  for (i=0; i<=MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE; i++) {
-    for (victim = TOR_TAILQ_FIRST(&ol_list[i]); victim; victim = next) {
-      next = TOR_TAILQ_NEXT(victim,next);
-      onion_queue_entry_remove(victim);
-    }
-    tor_assert(TOR_TAILQ_EMPTY(&ol_list[i]));
-  }
-  memset(ol_entries, 0, sizeof(ol_entries));
-/* ============================================================ */
-/** Return a new server_onion_keys_t object with all of the keys
- * and other info we might need to do onion handshakes.  (We make a copy of
- * our keys for each cpuworker to avoid race conditions with the main thread,
- * and to avoid locking) */
-server_onion_keys_t *
-  server_onion_keys_t *keys = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(server_onion_keys_t));
-  memcpy(keys->my_identity, router_get_my_id_digest(), DIGEST_LEN);
-  dup_onion_keys(&keys->onion_key, &keys->last_onion_key);
-  keys->curve25519_key_map = construct_ntor_key_map();
-  keys->junk_keypair = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(curve25519_keypair_t));
-  curve25519_keypair_generate(keys->junk_keypair, 0);
-  return keys;
-/** Release all storage held in <b>keys</b>. */
-server_onion_keys_free_(server_onion_keys_t *keys)
-  if (! keys)
-    return;
-  crypto_pk_free(keys->onion_key);
-  crypto_pk_free(keys->last_onion_key);
-  ntor_key_map_free(keys->curve25519_key_map);
-  tor_free(keys->junk_keypair);
-  memwipe(keys, 0, sizeof(server_onion_keys_t));
-  tor_free(keys);
-/** Release whatever storage is held in <b>state</b>, depending on its
- * type, and clear its pointer. */
-onion_handshake_state_release(onion_handshake_state_t *state)
-  switch (state->tag) {
-    crypto_dh_free(state->u.tap);
-    state->u.tap = NULL;
-    break;
-    fast_handshake_state_free(state->;
-    state-> = NULL;
-    break;
-    ntor_handshake_state_free(state->u.ntor);
-    state->u.ntor = NULL;
-    break;
-  default:
-     * This state should not even exist. */
-    log_warn(LD_BUG, "called with unknown handshake state type %d",
-             (int)state->tag);
-    tor_fragile_assert();
-    /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
-  }
-/** Perform the first step of a circuit-creation handshake of type <b>type</b>
- * (one of ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_*): generate the initial "onion skin" in
- * <b>onion_skin_out</b>, and store any state information in <b>state_out</b>.
- * Return -1 on failure, and the length of the onionskin on acceptance.
- */
-onion_skin_create(int type,
-                  const extend_info_t *node,
-                  onion_handshake_state_t *state_out,
-                  uint8_t *onion_skin_out)
-  int r = -1;
-  switch (type) {
-    if (!node->onion_key)
-      return -1;
-    if (onion_skin_TAP_create(node->onion_key,
-                              &state_out->u.tap,
-                              (char*)onion_skin_out) < 0)
-      return -1;
-    break;
-    if (fast_onionskin_create(&state_out->, onion_skin_out) < 0)
-      return -1;
-    break;
-    if (!extend_info_supports_ntor(node))
-      return -1;
-    if (onion_skin_ntor_create((const uint8_t*)node->identity_digest,
-                               &node->curve25519_onion_key,
-                               &state_out->u.ntor,
-                               onion_skin_out) < 0)
-      return -1;
-    break;
-  default:
-     * We should never try to create an impossible handshake type. */
-    log_warn(LD_BUG, "called with unknown handshake state type %d", type);
-    tor_fragile_assert();
-    r = -1;
-    /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
-  }
-  if (r > 0)
-    state_out->tag = (uint16_t) type;
-  return r;
-/* This is the maximum value for keys_out_len passed to
- * onion_skin_server_handshake, plus 16. We can make it bigger if needed:
- * It just defines how many bytes to stack-allocate. */
-#define MAX_KEYS_TMP_LEN 128
-/** Perform the second (server-side) step of a circuit-creation handshake of
- * type <b>type</b>, responding to the client request in <b>onion_skin</b>
- * using the keys in <b>keys</b>.  On success, write our response into
- * <b>reply_out</b>, generate <b>keys_out_len</b> bytes worth of key material
- * in <b>keys_out_len</b>, a hidden service nonce to <b>rend_nonce_out</b>,
- * and return the length of the reply. On failure, return -1.
- */
-onion_skin_server_handshake(int type,
-                      const uint8_t *onion_skin, size_t onionskin_len,
-                      const server_onion_keys_t *keys,
-                      uint8_t *reply_out,
-                      uint8_t *keys_out, size_t keys_out_len,
-                      uint8_t *rend_nonce_out)
-  int r = -1;
-  switch (type) {
-    if (onionskin_len != TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN)
-      return -1;
-    if (onion_skin_TAP_server_handshake((const char*)onion_skin,
-                                        keys->onion_key, keys->last_onion_key,
-                                        (char*)reply_out,
-                                        (char*)keys_out, keys_out_len)<0)
-      return -1;
-    memcpy(rend_nonce_out, reply_out+DH1024_KEY_LEN, DIGEST_LEN);
-    break;
-    if (onionskin_len != CREATE_FAST_LEN)
-      return -1;
-    if (fast_server_handshake(onion_skin, reply_out, keys_out, keys_out_len)<0)
-      return -1;
-    memcpy(rend_nonce_out, reply_out+DIGEST_LEN, DIGEST_LEN);
-    break;
-    if (onionskin_len < NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN)
-      return -1;
-    {
-      size_t keys_tmp_len = keys_out_len + DIGEST_LEN;
-      tor_assert(keys_tmp_len <= MAX_KEYS_TMP_LEN);
-      uint8_t keys_tmp[MAX_KEYS_TMP_LEN];
-      if (onion_skin_ntor_server_handshake(
-                                   onion_skin, keys->curve25519_key_map,
-                                   keys->junk_keypair,
-                                   keys->my_identity,
-                                   reply_out, keys_tmp, keys_tmp_len)<0) {
-        /* no need to memwipe here, since the output will never be used */
-        return -1;
-      }
-      memcpy(keys_out, keys_tmp, keys_out_len);
-      memcpy(rend_nonce_out, keys_tmp+keys_out_len, DIGEST_LEN);
-      memwipe(keys_tmp, 0, sizeof(keys_tmp));
-      r = NTOR_REPLY_LEN;
-    }
-    break;
-  default:
-     * We should have rejected this far before this point */
-    log_warn(LD_BUG, "called with unknown handshake state type %d", type);
-    tor_fragile_assert();
-    return -1;
-    /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
-  }
-  return r;
-/** Perform the final (client-side) step of a circuit-creation handshake of
- * type <b>type</b>, using our state in <b>handshake_state</b> and the
- * server's response in <b>reply</b>. On success, generate <b>keys_out_len</b>
- * bytes worth of key material in <b>keys_out_len</b>, set
- * <b>rend_authenticator_out</b> to the "KH" field that can be used to
- * establish introduction points at this hop, and return 0. On failure,
- * return -1, and set *msg_out to an error message if this is worth
- * complaining to the user about. */
-onion_skin_client_handshake(int type,
-                      const onion_handshake_state_t *handshake_state,
-                      const uint8_t *reply, size_t reply_len,
-                      uint8_t *keys_out, size_t keys_out_len,
-                      uint8_t *rend_authenticator_out,
-                      const char **msg_out)
-  if (handshake_state->tag != type)
-    return -1;
-  switch (type) {
-    if (reply_len != TAP_ONIONSKIN_REPLY_LEN) {
-      if (msg_out)
-        *msg_out = "TAP reply was not of the correct length.";
-      return -1;
-    }
-    if (onion_skin_TAP_client_handshake(handshake_state->u.tap,
-                                        (const char*)reply,
-                                        (char *)keys_out, keys_out_len,
-                                        msg_out) < 0)
-      return -1;
-    memcpy(rend_authenticator_out, reply+DH1024_KEY_LEN, DIGEST_LEN);
-    return 0;
-    if (reply_len != CREATED_FAST_LEN) {
-      if (msg_out)
-        *msg_out = "TAP reply was not of the correct length.";
-      return -1;
-    }
-    if (fast_client_handshake(handshake_state->, reply,
-                              keys_out, keys_out_len, msg_out) < 0)
-      return -1;
-    memcpy(rend_authenticator_out, reply+DIGEST_LEN, DIGEST_LEN);
-    return 0;
-    if (reply_len < NTOR_REPLY_LEN) {
-      if (msg_out)
-        *msg_out = "ntor reply was not of the correct length.";
-      return -1;
-    }
-    {
-      size_t keys_tmp_len = keys_out_len + DIGEST_LEN;
-      uint8_t *keys_tmp = tor_malloc(keys_tmp_len);
-      if (onion_skin_ntor_client_handshake(handshake_state->u.ntor,
-                                        reply,
-                                        keys_tmp, keys_tmp_len, msg_out) < 0) {
-        tor_free(keys_tmp);
-        return -1;
-      }
-      memcpy(keys_out, keys_tmp, keys_out_len);
-      memcpy(rend_authenticator_out, keys_tmp + keys_out_len, DIGEST_LEN);
-      memwipe(keys_tmp, 0, keys_tmp_len);
-      tor_free(keys_tmp);
-    }
-    return 0;
-  default:
-    log_warn(LD_BUG, "called with unknown handshake state type %d", type);
-    tor_fragile_assert();
-    return -1;
-  }
 /** Helper: return 0 if <b>cell</b> appears valid, -1 otherwise. If
  * <b>unknown_ok</b> is true, allow cells with handshake types we don't
  * recognize. */

+ 0 - 38
src/core/crypto/onion.h → src/core/or/onion.h

@@ -17,47 +17,9 @@ struct curve25519_keypair_t;
 struct curve25519_public_key_t;
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_ed25519.h"
-int onion_pending_add(or_circuit_t *circ, struct create_cell_t *onionskin);
-or_circuit_t *onion_next_task(struct create_cell_t **onionskin_out);
-int onion_num_pending(uint16_t handshake_type);
-void onion_pending_remove(or_circuit_t *circ);
-void clear_pending_onions(void);
-typedef struct server_onion_keys_t {
-  uint8_t my_identity[DIGEST_LEN];
-  crypto_pk_t *onion_key;
-  crypto_pk_t *last_onion_key;
-  struct di_digest256_map_t *curve25519_key_map;
-  struct curve25519_keypair_t *junk_keypair;
-} server_onion_keys_t;
-server_onion_keys_t *server_onion_keys_new(void);
-void server_onion_keys_free_(server_onion_keys_t *keys);
-#define server_onion_keys_free(keys) \
-  FREE_AND_NULL(server_onion_keys_t, server_onion_keys_free_, (keys))
-void onion_handshake_state_release(onion_handshake_state_t *state);
-int onion_skin_create(int type,
-                      const extend_info_t *node,
-                      onion_handshake_state_t *state_out,
-                      uint8_t *onion_skin_out);
-int onion_skin_server_handshake(int type,
-                      const uint8_t *onion_skin, size_t onionskin_len,
-                      const server_onion_keys_t *keys,
-                      uint8_t *reply_out,
-                      uint8_t *keys_out, size_t key_out_len,
-                      uint8_t *rend_nonce_out);
-int onion_skin_client_handshake(int type,
-                      const onion_handshake_state_t *handshake_state,
-                      const uint8_t *reply, size_t reply_len,
-                      uint8_t *keys_out, size_t key_out_len,
-                      uint8_t *rend_authenticator_out,
-                      const char **msg_out);
 /** A parsed CREATE, CREATE_FAST, or CREATE2 cell. */
 typedef struct create_cell_t {
   /** The cell command. One of CREATE{,_FAST,2} */

+ 1 - 1

@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 #include "core/mainloop/main.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/nodelist.h"
-#include "core/crypto/onion.h"
+#include "core/or/onion.h"
 #include "core/or/policies.h"
 #include "core/or/reasons.h"
 #include "core/or/relay.h"

+ 361 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2001 Matej Pfajfar.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Roger Dingledine.
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2018, The Tor Project, Inc. */
+/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
+ * \file onion_queue.c
+ * \brief Functions to queue create cells for processing.
+ *
+ * Relays invoke these functions when they receive a CREATE or EXTEND
+ * cell in command.c or relay.c, in order to queue the pending request.
+ * They also invoke them from cpuworker.c, which handles dispatching
+ * onionskin requests to different worker threads.
+ *
+ * <br>
+ *
+ * This module also handles:
+ *  <ul>
+ *  <li> Queueing incoming onionskins on the relay side before passing
+ *      them to worker threads.
+ *   <li>Expiring onionskins on the relay side if they have waited for
+ *     too long.
+ * </ul>
+ **/
+#include "core/or/or.h"
+#include "feature/relay/onion_queue.h"
+#include "app/config/config.h"
+#include "core/mainloop/cpuworker.h"
+#include "core/or/circuitlist.h"
+#include "core/or/onion.h"
+#include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus.h"
+#include "core/or/or_circuit_st.h"
+/** Type for a linked list of circuits that are waiting for a free CPU worker
+ * to process a waiting onion handshake. */
+typedef struct onion_queue_t {
+  TOR_TAILQ_ENTRY(onion_queue_t) next;
+  or_circuit_t *circ;
+  uint16_t handshake_type;
+  create_cell_t *onionskin;
+  time_t when_added;
+} onion_queue_t;
+/** 5 seconds on the onion queue til we just send back a destroy */
+/** Array of queues of circuits waiting for CPU workers. An element is NULL
+ * if that queue is empty.*/
+static TOR_TAILQ_HEAD(onion_queue_head_t, onion_queue_t)
+              ol_list[MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE+1] =
+{ TOR_TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(ol_list[0]), /* tap */
+  TOR_TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(ol_list[1]), /* fast */
+  TOR_TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(ol_list[2]), /* ntor */
+/** Number of entries of each type currently in each element of ol_list[]. */
+static int ol_entries[MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE+1];
+static int num_ntors_per_tap(void);
+static void onion_queue_entry_remove(onion_queue_t *victim);
+ *
+ * (By which I think I meant, "make sure that no
+ * MAX_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE/REPLY_LEN."  Also, make sure that we can pass
+ * over-large values via EXTEND2/EXTENDED2, for future-compatibility.*/
+/** Return true iff we have room to queue another onionskin of type
+ * <b>type</b>. */
+static int
+have_room_for_onionskin(uint16_t type)
+  const or_options_t *options = get_options();
+  int num_cpus;
+  uint64_t tap_usec, ntor_usec;
+  uint64_t ntor_during_tap_usec, tap_during_ntor_usec;
+  /* If we've got fewer than 50 entries, we always have room for one more. */
+  if (ol_entries[type] < 50)
+    return 1;
+  num_cpus = get_num_cpus(options);
+  /* Compute how many microseconds we'd expect to need to clear all
+   * onionskins in various combinations of the queues. */
+  /* How long would it take to process all the TAP cells in the queue? */
+  tap_usec  = estimated_usec_for_onionskins(
+                                    ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP],
+                                    ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP) / num_cpus;
+  /* How long would it take to process all the NTor cells in the queue? */
+  ntor_usec = estimated_usec_for_onionskins(
+                                    ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR],
+                                    ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR) / num_cpus;
+  /* How long would it take to process the tap cells that we expect to
+   * process while draining the ntor queue? */
+  tap_during_ntor_usec  = estimated_usec_for_onionskins(
+        ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR] / num_ntors_per_tap()),
+                                    ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP) / num_cpus;
+  /* How long would it take to process the ntor cells that we expect to
+   * process while draining the tap queue? */
+  ntor_during_tap_usec  = estimated_usec_for_onionskins(
+        ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP] * num_ntors_per_tap()),
+                                    ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR) / num_cpus;
+  /* See whether that exceeds MaxOnionQueueDelay. If so, we can't queue
+   * this. */
+      (ntor_usec + tap_during_ntor_usec) / 1000 >
+       (uint64_t)options->MaxOnionQueueDelay)
+    return 0;
+  if (type == ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP &&
+      (tap_usec + ntor_during_tap_usec) / 1000 >
+       (uint64_t)options->MaxOnionQueueDelay)
+    return 0;
+  /* If we support the ntor handshake, then don't let TAP handshakes use
+   * more than 2/3 of the space on the queue. */
+  if (type == ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP &&
+      tap_usec / 1000 > (uint64_t)options->MaxOnionQueueDelay * 2 / 3)
+    return 0;
+  return 1;
+/** Add <b>circ</b> to the end of ol_list and return 0, except
+ * if ol_list is too long, in which case do nothing and return -1.
+ */
+onion_pending_add(or_circuit_t *circ, create_cell_t *onionskin)
+  onion_queue_t *tmp;
+  time_t now = time(NULL);
+  if (onionskin->handshake_type > MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE) {
+     * We should have rejected this far before this point */
+    log_warn(LD_BUG, "Handshake %d out of range! Dropping.",
+             onionskin->handshake_type);
+    return -1;
+    /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
+  }
+  tmp = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(onion_queue_t));
+  tmp->circ = circ;
+  tmp->handshake_type = onionskin->handshake_type;
+  tmp->onionskin = onionskin;
+  tmp->when_added = now;
+  if (!have_room_for_onionskin(onionskin->handshake_type)) {
+    static ratelim_t last_warned =
+    char *m;
+    if (onionskin->handshake_type == ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR &&
+        (m = rate_limit_log(&last_warned, approx_time()))) {
+      log_warn(LD_GENERAL,
+               "Your computer is too slow to handle this many circuit "
+               "creation requests! Please consider using the "
+               "MaxAdvertisedBandwidth config option or choosing a more "
+               "restricted exit policy.%s",m);
+      tor_free(m);
+    }
+    tor_free(tmp);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  ++ol_entries[onionskin->handshake_type];
+  log_info(LD_OR, "New create (%s). Queues now ntor=%d and tap=%d.",
+    onionskin->handshake_type == ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR ? "ntor" : "tap",
+    ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP]);
+  circ->onionqueue_entry = tmp;
+  TOR_TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ol_list[onionskin->handshake_type], tmp, next);
+  /* cull elderly requests. */
+  while (1) {
+    onion_queue_t *head = TOR_TAILQ_FIRST(&ol_list[onionskin->handshake_type]);
+    if (now - head->when_added < (time_t)ONIONQUEUE_WAIT_CUTOFF)
+      break;
+    circ = head->circ;
+    circ->onionqueue_entry = NULL;
+    onion_queue_entry_remove(head);
+    log_info(LD_CIRC,
+             "Circuit create request is too old; canceling due to overload.");
+    if (! TO_CIRCUIT(circ)->marked_for_close) {
+      circuit_mark_for_close(TO_CIRCUIT(circ), END_CIRC_REASON_RESOURCELIMIT);
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+/** Return a fairness parameter, to prefer processing NTOR style
+ * handshakes but still slowly drain the TAP queue so we don't starve
+ * it entirely. */
+static int
+#define MAX_NUM_NTORS_PER_TAP 100000
+  return networkstatus_get_param(NULL, "NumNTorsPerTAP",
+                                 DEFAULT_NUM_NTORS_PER_TAP,
+                                 MIN_NUM_NTORS_PER_TAP,
+                                 MAX_NUM_NTORS_PER_TAP);
+/** Choose which onion queue we'll pull from next. If one is empty choose
+ * the other; if they both have elements, load balance across them but
+ * favoring NTOR. */
+static uint16_t
+  /* The number of times we've chosen ntor lately when both were available. */
+  static int recently_chosen_ntors = 0;
+  if (!ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR])
+    return ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP; /* no ntors? try tap */
+  if (!ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP]) {
+    /* Nick wants us to prioritize new tap requests when there aren't
+     * any in the queue and we've processed k ntor cells since the last
+     * tap cell. This strategy is maybe a good idea, since it starves tap
+     * less in the case where tap is rare, or maybe a poor idea, since it
+     * makes the new tap cell unfairly jump in front of ntor cells that
+     * got here first. In any case this edge case will only become relevant
+     * once tap is rare. We should reevaluate whether we like this decision
+     * once tap gets more rare. */
+    if (ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR] &&
+        recently_chosen_ntors <= num_ntors_per_tap())
+      ++recently_chosen_ntors;
+    return ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR; /* no taps? try ntor */
+  }
+  /* They both have something queued. Pick ntor if we haven't done that
+   * too much lately. */
+  if (++recently_chosen_ntors <= num_ntors_per_tap()) {
+  }
+  /* Else, it's time to let tap have its turn. */
+  recently_chosen_ntors = 0;
+/** Remove the highest priority item from ol_list[] and return it, or
+ * return NULL if the lists are empty.
+ */
+or_circuit_t *
+onion_next_task(create_cell_t **onionskin_out)
+  or_circuit_t *circ;
+  uint16_t handshake_to_choose = decide_next_handshake_type();
+  onion_queue_t *head = TOR_TAILQ_FIRST(&ol_list[handshake_to_choose]);
+  if (!head)
+    return NULL; /* no onions pending, we're done */
+  tor_assert(head->circ);
+  tor_assert(head->handshake_type <= MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE);
+//  tor_assert(head->circ->p_chan); /* make sure it's still valid */
+/* XXX I only commented out the above line to make the unit tests
+ * more manageable. That's probably not good long-term. -RD */
+  circ = head->circ;
+  if (head->onionskin)
+    --ol_entries[head->handshake_type];
+  log_info(LD_OR, "Processing create (%s). Queues now ntor=%d and tap=%d.",
+    head->handshake_type == ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR ? "ntor" : "tap",
+    ol_entries[ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP]);
+  *onionskin_out = head->onionskin;
+  head->onionskin = NULL; /* prevent free. */
+  circ->onionqueue_entry = NULL;
+  onion_queue_entry_remove(head);
+  return circ;
+/** Return the number of <b>handshake_type</b>-style create requests pending.
+ */
+onion_num_pending(uint16_t handshake_type)
+  return ol_entries[handshake_type];
+/** Go through ol_list, find the onion_queue_t element which points to
+ * circ, remove and free that element. Leave circ itself alone.
+ */
+onion_pending_remove(or_circuit_t *circ)
+  onion_queue_t *victim;
+  if (!circ)
+    return;
+  victim = circ->onionqueue_entry;
+  if (victim)
+    onion_queue_entry_remove(victim);
+  cpuworker_cancel_circ_handshake(circ);
+/** Remove a queue entry <b>victim</b> from the queue, unlinking it from
+ * its circuit and freeing it and any structures it owns.*/
+static void
+onion_queue_entry_remove(onion_queue_t *victim)
+  if (victim->handshake_type > MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE) {
+     * We should have rejected this far before this point */
+    log_warn(LD_BUG, "Handshake %d out of range! Dropping.",
+             victim->handshake_type);
+    /* XXX leaks */
+    return;
+    /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
+  }
+  TOR_TAILQ_REMOVE(&ol_list[victim->handshake_type], victim, next);
+  if (victim->circ)
+    victim->circ->onionqueue_entry = NULL;
+  if (victim->onionskin)
+    --ol_entries[victim->handshake_type];
+  tor_free(victim->onionskin);
+  tor_free(victim);
+/** Remove all circuits from the pending list.  Called from tor_free_all. */
+  onion_queue_t *victim, *next;
+  int i;
+  for (i=0; i<=MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE; i++) {
+    for (victim = TOR_TAILQ_FIRST(&ol_list[i]); victim; victim = next) {
+      next = TOR_TAILQ_NEXT(victim,next);
+      onion_queue_entry_remove(victim);
+    }
+    tor_assert(TOR_TAILQ_EMPTY(&ol_list[i]));
+  }
+  memset(ol_entries, 0, sizeof(ol_entries));

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2001 Matej Pfajfar.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Roger Dingledine.
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2018, The Tor Project, Inc. */
+/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
+ * \file onion_queue.h
+ * \brief Header file for onion_queue.c.
+ **/
+struct create_cell_t;
+int onion_pending_add(or_circuit_t *circ, struct create_cell_t *onionskin);
+or_circuit_t *onion_next_task(struct create_cell_t **onionskin_out);
+int onion_num_pending(uint16_t handshake_type);
+void onion_pending_remove(or_circuit_t *circ);
+void clear_pending_onions(void);

+ 2 - 2

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 #include "orconfig.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_dh.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
 #include "app/config/or_state_st.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@
 #include "test/test.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/main.h"
 #include "lib/memarea/memarea.h"
-#include "core/crypto/onion.h"
+#include "core/or/onion.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_ntor.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_fast.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_tap.h"
@@ -64,6 +63,7 @@
 #include "feature/rend/rend_encoded_v2_service_descriptor_st.h"
 #include "feature/rend/rend_intro_point_st.h"
 #include "feature/rend/rend_service_descriptor_st.h"
+#include "feature/relay/onion_queue.h"
 /** Run unit tests for the onion handshake code. */
 static void

+ 1 - 1

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include "core/or/connection_or.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
-#include "core/crypto/onion.h"
+#include "core/or/onion.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_tap.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_fast.h"
 #include "core/crypto/onion_ntor.h"

+ 1 - 1

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #include "core/or/or.h"
 #include "lib/thread/threads.h"
-#include "core/crypto/onion.h"
+#include "core/or/onion.h"
 #include "lib/evloop/workqueue.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_curve25519.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <time.h>
-#include "ed25519_cert.h"
+#include "trunnel/ed25519_cert.h"
 #include "lib/cc/torint.h"  /* TOR_PRIdSZ */
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_format.h"
 #include "lib/malloc/malloc.h"