.travis.yml 2.7 KB

  1. language: python
  2. python:
  3. - "2.7"
  4. os:
  5. - linux
  6. ## Python versions aren't availabe on macOS Travis
  7. #- osx
  8. ## The build matrix in the following stanza expands into builds for each
  9. ## OS and python version.
  10. ## Placeholder
  11. #env:
  12. # global:
  13. # -
  14. # matrix:
  15. # -
  16. ## Add extra builds
  17. ## Placeholder
  18. #matrix:
  19. # include:
  20. # - env:
  21. ## Uncomment to allow the build to report success (with non-required
  22. ## sub-builds continuing to run) if all required sub-builds have
  23. ## succeeded. This is somewhat buggy currently: it can cause
  24. ## duplicate notifications and prematurely report success if a
  25. ## single sub-build has succeeded. See
  26. ## https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/1696
  27. #fast_finish: true
  28. ## Careful! We use global envs, which makes it hard to exclude or
  29. ## allow failures by env:
  30. ## https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build#matching-jobs-with-allow_failures
  31. #exclude:
  32. ## Placeholder
  33. #- python: "3.6"
  34. # os: linux
  35. ## We don't need sudo. (The "apt:" stanza after this allows us to not need
  36. ## sudo; otherwise, we would need it for getting dependencies.)
  37. sudo: false
  38. ## (Linux only) Use the latest Linux image (Ubuntu Trusty)
  39. dist: trusty
  40. ## (Linux only) Download our dependencies
  41. addons:
  42. apt:
  43. sources:
  44. ## Trusty has Tor 0.2.4, so we need a newer version of Tor from the
  45. ## torproject repositories, and the torproject key from the keyservers
  46. - sourceline: 'deb https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org trusty main'
  47. key_url: 'http://ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?search=0xA3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89&options=mr&op=get'
  48. packages:
  49. ## Required dependencies
  50. - tor
  51. ## Is this necessary for a once-off build?
  52. #- deb.torproject.org-keyring
  53. ## (OSX only) Use the default OSX image
  54. ## See https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/reference/osx#os-x-version
  55. ## Default is Xcode 9.4 on macOS 10.13 as of August 2018
  56. #osx_image: xcode9.4
  57. before_install:
  58. ## Placeholder
  59. -
  60. install:
  61. ## Placeholder
  62. -
  63. ##
  64. ## Finally, list installed package versions
  65. - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then dpkg-query --show; fi
  66. - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew list --versions; fi
  67. - python --version
  68. - tor --version
  69. script:
  70. - tools/test-network.sh
  71. after_failure:
  72. ## Re-run chutney in debug mode
  73. ## TODO: improve debug mode
  74. - tools/test-network.sh --debug
  75. after_success:
  76. ## Placeholder
  77. -
  78. notifications:
  79. irc:
  80. channels:
  81. - "irc.oftc.net#tor-ci"
  82. template:
  83. - "%{repository} %{branch} %{commit} - %{author}: %{commit_subject}"
  84. - "Build #%{build_number} %{result}. Details: %{build_url}"
  85. on_success: change
  86. on_failure: change
  87. email:
  88. on_success: never
  89. on_failure: change